Beauty of Food
The meeting in Türkiye,
our main goal in our topic’ Beauty of food ‘is to eat healthy, avoid wasting food and realize different tastes. It helps developing the students’ and the teachers’ awareness. We had the opportunity to learn by experiencing how to make different flavors together. In Türkiye each group presents their beauty in food. After presenting its own local delicacies, each country presented some of its food ingredients and recipes to other countries and asked them to prepare these foods, too. We made so many good memories together and our students made great friendships.
Tour of the school for the teachers and students
Energizers to get in touch:
”Fruit Salad”
Workshop: Painting a kitchen apron
Guided cultural tour to the historical places in Pergamon, Ephesus, Virgin Mary House to boot the sharings about ancient courses & food habits
Cooking Workshop “Beyond the Plate”
Presenting “Beauty of Food” from around the world

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