Project Concept
This project is about ETHICS and AESTHETICS.
It aims to help children discovering the Beauty inside and around them.
Beauty of themselves – nature – sport – art – music – language – food – friends…
It will be carried out using PBL method, in Service Learning Approach.
We need to become more aware of it, we need to become more aware we live in a great continent, with a lot of beauty and the huge possibility to express it freely.
As teachers we will accompany students in discovering that beauty and in acquiring the skill of making ethical choices, matching the need to become active, aware European citizens.
Through this project, beginning from themselves, we would like to take them in a comparison journey across the European beauties to discover their continent, appreciate the luck they have, understand the importance to love and preserve it, develop a sense of European belonging, acquire the capacity of being political active.
By funding this project, our students, teachers and communities will develop a deeper awareness of what is their continent and how important is being active European citizens. We will all get in touch with our roots and with our wings, past present and future. We will discover European beauties and find the way to preserve them day by day making personal ethical choices that will improve their European society.
Project Coordinators
Meet our lovely team
Beauty will save the world. Let's find it out and preserve it!
Our Activities
By funding this project, our students, teachers and communities will develop a deeper awareness of what is their continent and how important is to be active European citizens.
Service Learning
Best Beauty Sharing
Best Beauty Sharing
Bulgaria, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Italy, and Norway are the countries participating in this project.
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