Beauty of Myself and Others
School guided tour
School guided tour, organised by the Portuguese students. Activities to meet and get to know eachother, build confidence and start communication.
Beauty in Me
Workshop on self-portrait.
Beauty in You “How do I see you?”
Role-playing games and short drama performances where students personify other nationalities (deconstructing stereotypes)
Beauty Around Me
Music & Meditation workshops by the sea (The Beauty Around Us)
Beauty of My Island
Guided Tour of Algar do Carvão and Gruta do Natal. Visit to volcanic fumaroles .
Beauty of My City
Treasure Hunt around the city Angra do Heroismo – discovering past and present Beauty.
Country Presentation
Partner’s presentations about Beauty from each partner country (people, places, culture, etc.).
Play Video
Closing ceremony and certification

Image Gallery
Capturing ten thousand words in the blink of a moment.
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