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7 September, 2021
Location: 29022 Bobbio, Province of Piacenza, Italy

Workshop with a philosopher

A dialogue about ethics and aesthetics.

Pierpaolo Casarin
Silvia Bevilacqua

The  aims of the course was  to present some of the principles of Philosophy for/with children that arguably lead to some simple, everyday practices to help children and young people become thoughtful, curious and reasonable.  Philosophy for  or with Children’s  central  pedagogical  tool  is  the community of inquiry, showing the positive role this structure plays in combating what is perceived to be a drift in society to the idea that opinions cannot be judged and do not need to be justified. This type of community was presented as a context for facilitating personal relationships inspired by a sense  of  participative democracy,  an  effective  instrument  that can  be  employed in  service of  an intellectual  endeavour  which  rests  on  the  concept  of  knowledge  as  a  continuous  and  fertile intersubjective change rather than as a mere transfer of information.

Education course “Philosophy for children”

Pierpaolo Casarin and Silvia Bevilacqua

Service Learning Workshop

PBL in service Learning approach.

Dealing with real needs, addressing kids in a service learning path, supporting a students driven path.

The driving question – Analysing together the Service Learning planning layout.

Vittoria Volterrani – The project coordinator  

Community building activities

Italy involve all participants in an activity useful to build a sense of mutual  trust, communication and collaboration.

Community building activities outdoor

Mentoring activity

Wall for questions – A big poster will be used to write all the questions connected to the project development.
Questions was answered by experienced schools.


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