Beauty of Art & Architecture
Although small, Terceira island has a strong art and architectural heritage, as a result of its important role in the sea expansion of Portugal, during the XV and XVI century. So, the students decided to create a silhouette mural, portraying different building facades, monuments, popular art manifestations and important aspects of Terceira island culture and patrimony.

Beauty of Sport
While learning about some of the most awarded Portuguese athletes and most appreciated sports, students realised the importance of sport for a healthy lifestyle and for physical and mental well being, so they decided to organise a Gymnastic Event for families (especially grandparents).

Beauty of Music
Students decided to share with the school community the beauty of music. To do so, with the help of their music teacher, the students prepared and performed a Christmas Concert, in the Library Staircase, open to all the community.

Beauty of Nature
We challenged our students to find the beauty of nature within our cities and villages. To do so, they took walking tours with their families and photographed their favourite findings. After that, they composed a digital photography book.

Beauty of Food
Portugal is known for it’s very rich and diverse cuisine, especially regarding sweets and deserts (as a result of all the products we could access during our sea expansion period). Some of the favorite deserts of our students are, in fact, very old and tradicional recipes. So, our students interviewed their mothers and grandmothers and gathered some of the more tradicional dessert recipes to share with you all.
Beauty of Myself & Others
The Service Learning has 3 main goals:
1) to involve students in the community;
2) to help decrease the feelings of isolation/loneliness of older people;
3) to increase students cultural heritage. Students will schedule a “Storytelling date” with an older person (from their family or from a local community center). During the date, the older person will tell them a story (either a personal story from his/her past or life) or a local story/myth/history. This will help children understand the challenges older people face nowadays, to value the need for companionship, to increase their knowledge on local cultura heritage, to understande the value of personal time and of sharing with others. After the date, they will bring the stories they heard to school. They will be gatthered on a digital Storybook and illustrated by students. After the book is completed, it will be printed and gifted to all the older people who participated on the Service Learning