Beauty of Art & Architecture
During our meeting with the town’s chief architect the spotanious idea to make new garbage containers was born. There aren’t enough of them near the school and kindergarten, and the existing ones are old, unattractive, and outdated. The chapel of Saint Mary is being restored, and we have the opportunity to use our skills to improve the exterior of the building and its surrounding area.
Beauty of Sport
Due to the Covid pandemic, many children have experienced a significant decrease in physical activity levels, which has led to a rise in overweight and unhealthy habits. However, there is hope for the future, as interest in team sports is expected to increase. In an effort to combat the negative effects of inactivity, we plan to hold annual tournaments that will encourage a greater number of children to participate in physical activity. By doing so, we hope to raise awareness about the issue of childhood obesity and inspire more young people to take up sports and lead healthier lives.
Beauty of Music
At our school, there seems to be a lack of Bulgarian folk dances being incorporated into our events and activities. This absence of traditional dances is something that we could address to invite more participation from our students and their families. It’s important to provide a diverse range of cultural experiences that celebrate our community’s heritage and traditions. Additionally, due to the pandemic, we haven’t been able to organize concerts for the entire school. However, with the current situation improving, we can start planning events that showcase our students’ talents and bring the community together. This would not only give our students an opportunity to display their skills but also provide a chance for everyone to enjoy themselves and connect with each other.

Beauty of Nature
We have a problem with the trash, that’s why we decided to collect it and hand it over for recycling plastic caps and aluminium jugs. We get money for the aluminium jugs we collect for recycling in the “Clean nature” campaing. The aluminium jugs take up a lot of space…so we decided to invent a machine for pressing them. In our “Clean nature” campaing we renovated fire places in the Boaza Waterfall area, we regulary clean the playgrounds and parks in our city, we planted a tree and with the money from the campaign we bought and installed a bench in the city park!
Beauty of Food
We have classmates with overweight and dental problems, who eat a lot of junk food, that’s why we decided to do one healthy weekly menu. We focused on home cooked food. Becouse we have a nearby “Community mental health complex ” we decided to ask our parents to make festive lunch for them with our recipe in the “We will cook for you without fear” campaign. Becouse of covid situation we didn’t get petmission. So we changed the idea to colect packaged products with all students from our school. Now they can cook our recipes by themselfs and have lots of fun. Our campaign was broadcasted on National Bulgarian Television.