
Who we are
“Together about learning and joy”
Our school is a small school located in the southwest of Norway. It is a small village, Sviland (1500 inhabitants) just outside the municipality of Sandnes. This is an area where a lot of new houses and apartments are build. Most of the new families are young with small children. The number of pupils has increased from 85 to 118 in a few years and we see that the numbers of pupils will still increase every year. The municipality has decided to build a new school nearby during the next two years. We have students from 6 to 12 years.We have 14 teachers and 10 other skilled workers. Sviland is close to the city center, only ten minutes by car, but still you get the feeling of being in the countryside. Our village and also school is very ethnically similar, and it is important to us to learn the students that we are also a part of a bigger society. It is important to understand that we are also a part of Europe and citizens of the world.
We want to show the pupils the need of education and especially the need of knowing english.
Our school started to take part in European projects since 2013. We were in a Comenius project for two years, then we took part in a ETwinning project and we are in an Erasmus+ project till sept. 2019. In the new curriculum 2020 in Norway we should focus more on how to take care of the planet, focus on the ethics and aesthetics in preventing the world for coming generations. The project implementation will provide enormous opportunities to make teachers and pupils reflected on these elements. It will be a good preparation and inspiration for working with the curriculum and also for working with the indoor and outdoor physical environment in the new school, to look at the ethical and estetical. This will contribute in widen the social awareness and the European active citizenship.
A coordinator from our school will be in charge of the project, supported by other teachers from the school. Our administration with our headmaster and second deputy will be responsible for the project, together with the coordinator. All the students will be involved in the project in different levels. All the teachers, the administration and all the other workers will more or less be involved. The children who will join the meetings abroad are from 10 to 12 years old.
We have a tradition in Norway that most of the pupils at primary schools are outside during the breaks. The surroundings are characterized of stimulate the pupils to movements doing different sports and to play. We want to focus on the physical and mental health, compared to sports and outdoor activities. In our PE lessons we try to learn the students about different kinds of sports. Both indoor and outdoor sports. We also try focus on the ethical aspect about competing. How to behave? Competing against themselves. To be able to see that you are improving and getting better, not always compete against each other.
"Idrett er et universelt språk som gir ekte og fine følelser." "Sport is an universal language that gives true and beautiful emotions."
Paulo Lezzelle

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