
Who we are
“School of life to live.”
Our bilingual school (CEIP Guliena) is located in a small town (Guillena) 26.5 km from Seville and 45 minutes from the Doñana
National Park, a UNESCO cultural heritage. In addition, near our center we have ”La Ruta del Agua” (a Water Route).
Our school was recently created (2016) and, although it is in an old building, our staff is new, young and want to work hard. In our
school there are about 300 students between 3 and 12 years old and we have 16 teachers. During this year we bet on the
digitalization of our school, providing digital boards and computers to the classrooms. Next year our school will belong to the
network of schools of Learning Communities, through this, we intend to open the doors to the entire educational community. We
have a very active participation of our students’ families in our school. From our educational center we are committed to
sustainable environmental proposals that favor the beauty of our environment, educating our students for its care and
improvement, always in direct contact with nature. In our centre we have the ECOESCUELA programme, a Spanish programme
of ecological relevance whose main objective is to create ecologically sustainable schools in total harmony with their natural
surroundings. That is the reason why the study of the mentioned Water Route and the Doñana National Park constitute a close
and accessible natural resource to our students. We are new to ERASMUS projects, but we are convinced that this opportunity
opens our student’s minds, creating new opportunities for learning and internalization. We have created the ERASMUS
commission, it is composed and lead by the headmaster and other members of staff. She is the promoter of the program
alongside the English teacher, the bilingual and ECOESCUELA coordinators and the president of our families association
In addition the students have chosen one kid, who is in this commision too. Our intention is for this project to help
implement the bilingual project in our school in a fun and useful way, involving all students, mainly in the last part of the
educational stage. Around ethics and aesthetics, we collaborate with the project from the topic of Nature, unparalleled of
Andalusian beauty and the sustainability of nature with our school. We share the idea that if our students know and appreciate
the beauty of the nature that surrounds them, they will do everything possible to preserve it, take care of it and protect it. We
also intend to bring beauty inside our school through a beautiful interior garden, which will be used as a resource to provide a
sustainable and fresh climate throughout our school. Although we do not have experience in KA2 we are enthusiastic, energetic
& ready to open many doors. The responsible personnel will be the components of the ERASMUS commission that will be
chaired by the headmaster. If they leave the school, the rest of the staff will be responsible, because 80% of the staff is involved
in the ERASMUS project.
“Si realmente amas la naturaleza, encontrarás la belleza en todas partes” “If you really love nature you will find beauty everywhere” Vincent Van Gogh

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