
Who we are
“Tradition, Knowledge, Future”
We are primary school in Targovishte – 31 teachers and 270 children, between 7 – 13 years old. Our school is build in 1989 and it is the newest in the town. It was modernize with all necessary equipment for better education like laptops, multimedia and etc. It has different specific rooms form art, music, biology, IT and big hall where we organize different events and 2 sport rooms. The children feel comfortable and happy. Our town is famous for historic houses, museums, his own folklore ensemble and brass bend. We work together with the community centers in villages around to study the traditional folklore.
This is the first time we apply for partnership in Erasmus+ because we fill, finally, prepared to be a part of the big European school family. The project will give us a huge project opportunity to interact with other partners, to see where we are in Europeanization path of our progress. It will be a chance to show our partners more of the Bulgarian music, old traditions passed on from generations. We want to keep the significance of every nationality, but create unique music and dances together, teach the children to communicate and respect the others, to be proud of who they are and where they come from.
Let us open the hearts of the young ones for the culture of the rest of European countries. To teach them how to be creative and competitive in a working environment so they can show the best of their minds.To open up their inner self and see the beauty around them. To show them that the progress can be achieved not only through the IT technologies, but together with the great power of themselves and others, music, arts, architecture, sports, nature…
We want to present Bulgaria as hospitable and multicultural country, despite the turbulent historical changes, tolerant to the rest of the different ethnic groups who are settled in its territory. We want to share and exchange our experience of working with children from a multicultural society by preserving their identity and creating skills to build a common future, despite their differences. Our school is a bright example of this, because our children come from 3 ethnic groups – Bulgarian, Turkish, Gypsy. They are coming with there own backgrounds, but now they know how to share the foreign joys, to be interested in the differences and to look for similarities in their beliefs.
"Музиката е съкровищница, в която всяка националност внася нещо свое за общата полза." "Music is a treasure trove in which each nationality contributes something for the common good." Tchaikovsky

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